Tetsuto Himeno's Home Page
- Yamada, T. & Himeno, T., Tillander, A., and Pavlenko, T. (2023),
Test for mean matrix in GMANOVA model under heteroscedasticity and non-normality for high-dimensional data,
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 109, 129-158
(doi: 10.1090/tpms/1200)
- Yamada, T. & Himeno, T.. (2023),
High-dimensional asymptotic expansion of null distribution for L2 norm based MANOVA testing statistic under general distribution,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 224, 9-26
(doi: 10.1016/j.jspi.2022.09.002)
- Yamada, T. & Himeno, T.. (2019),
Estimation of multivariate 3rd moment for high-dimensional data and its application for testing multivariate normality,
Computational Statistics, 34 (2), 911-941
(doi: 10.1007/s00180-018-00865-9)
- Yamada, T., Himeno, T., & Sakurai, T. (2017),
Asymptotic cut-off point in linear discriminant rule to adjust the misclassification probability for large dimensions,
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 47 (3), 319-348
- Yamada, T., Himeno, T., & Sakurai, T. (2017),
Interval estimation in discriminant analysis for large dimension,
Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 46, 9042-9052
(doi: 10.1080/03610926.2016.1202282)
- Lee J. C., Himeno, T., Shimizu, S., Tanaka, T., & Takemura, A. (2017),
Visualizing Shiga Prefecture using RESAS: cloud-based analysis system with government open big data,
Proc. 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science (BCD2017)
- Hyodo, M., Mitani, T., Himeno, T., & Seo, T. (2015),
Approximate interval estimation for EPMC for improved linear discriminant rule under high dimensional frame work,
SUT Journal of Mathematics, 51 (2), 145-179
- Yamada, T. & Himeno, T. (2015),
Testing homogeneity of mean vectors under heteroscedasticity in high-dimension,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 139, 7-27
(doi: 10.1016/j.jmva.2015.02.005)
- Himeno, T. & Yamada, T. (2014),
Estimations for some functions of covariance matrix in high dimension under non-normality and its applications,
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 130, 27-44
(doi: 10.1016/j.jmva.2014.04.020)
- Hyodo, M., Yamada, T., & Himeno, T. (2012),
A modified linear discriminant analysis for high-dimensional data,
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 42 (2), 209-231
- Yahagihara, H., Himeno, T., & Yuan, K. (2010),
GLS Discrepancy based information criteria for selecting covariance structure models,
Behaviormetrika, 37 (2), 71-86
(doi: 10.2333/bhmk.37.71)
- Himeno, T. (2010),
A test for the equality of means of two groups with different variances
when the sample size and the dimension are large,
Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 39 (11), 2081-2093
(doi: 10.1080/03610920902972327)
- Fujikoshi, Y. Himeno, T., & Wakaki, H. (2008),
Asymptotic results in canonical discriminant analysis
when the dimension is large compared to the sample size,
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138 (11), 3457-3466
(doi: 10.1016/j.jspi.2006.09.028)
- Himeno, T. (2007),
Asymptotic expansions of the null distributions for the Dempster trace criterion,
Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 37 (3), 431-454
- Fujikoshi, Y. Himeno, T., & Wakaki, H. (2004),
Asymptotic results of a high dimensional MANOVA test and power comparison
when the dimension is large to the sample size,
Journal of The Japan Statistical Society, 34 (1), 19-26
(doi: 10.14490/jjss.34.19)
- Himeno, T. (2007),
A discriminant condition for the test of greatest power in the MANOVA model
when the dimension is large compared to the sample size,
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,
40 (1), 89-102
- Himeno, T., Kanao, M., & Ogata, Y. (2011),
Statistical analysis of seismicity in a wide region around the 1998 Mw 8.1 Balleny Islands earthquake in the Antarctic Plate,
Polar Science, 5 (4), 421-431
(doi: 10.1016/j.polar.2011.08.002)
- Toyokuni, G., Kanao, M., Tono, Y., Himeno, T.,
Tsuboi, T., Childs, D., Anderson, K., Takenaka, H. (2014),
Monitoring of the Greenland ice sheet using a broadband seismometer network: The GLISN project,
Antarctic Record, 58, 529-545
- 姫野哲人,金尾政紀,尾形良彦,(2012),
月間地球,34 (9),529-545
- 姫野哲人,金尾政紀,坪井誠司,(2012),
月間地球,34 (9),513-518
- 坪井誠司,金尾政紀,東野陽子,豊国源知,姫野哲人 (2012),
月間地球,34 (9),509-512
- Kanao, M., Maggi, A., Ishihara, Y., Yamamoto, M., Nawa, K., Yamada, A., Wilson, T.,
Himeno, T.,
Toyokuni, G., Tsuboi, S., Tono, Y., Anderson, K. (2012),
Seismic wave interactions between the atmosphere - Ocean - Cryosphere system and the geosphere in Polar Regions,
in Seismic Waves - Research and Analysis (Kanao, M. ed.), InTech, 1-20.
- Kanao, M., Tsuboi, S., Butler, R., Anderson, K., Dahl-Jensen, T., Larsen, T., Nettles, M., Voss, P., Childs, C.,
Clinton, J., Stutzmann, J., Himeno, T.,
Toyokuni, G., Tanaka, S., Tono, Y. (2012),
Greenland Ice Sheet Dynamics and Glacial Earthquake Activities,
in Ice Sheets: Dynamics, Formation and Environmental Concerns (Muller, J., Koch, L., eds),
Nova Science Publishers, 93-120.
- Tanaka, T., Himeno, T., & Fueda, K.(2022),
Shiga university's endeavor to promote human resources development for data science in Japan,
Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 5 (2), 747-755
(doi: 10.1007/s42081-022-00151-5)
- 竹村彰通,和泉志津江,齋藤邦彦,姫野哲人,松井秀俊,伊達平和 (2018),
統計数理,66 (1),67-78
- 梅津高朗,姫野哲人 (2018),
- 日本統計学会(編)(2020),
日本統計学会公式認定 統計検定準1級対応 統計学実践ワークブック,学術図書出版
- 村上征勝(監修),金明哲,小木曽智信,中園聡,矢野桂司,赤間亮,阪田真己子,宝珍輝尚,芳沢光雄,渡辺美智子,足立浩平(編) (2019),
- 清水昌平(編),
椎名洋,姫野哲人,保科架風 (2019),
- 竹村彰通(編),姫野哲人(編),高田聖治(編),
田中琢真,姫野哲人,松井秀俊 (2019),
- MiodragLovric(原書編者),日本統計学会(翻訳)(2018),
- 滋賀大学データサイエンス学部(編),
笛田薫,松井秀俊,川井明,梅津高朗,大沼顕介,町田大樹,野村英輔,白井剛,北廣和雄 (2018),
大学生のためのデータサイエンス(I) オフィシャルスタディノート,一般財団法人 日本統計協会
- 岩崎 学(編),西郷 浩(編),田栗 正章(編),中西 寛子(編),
岩崎 学,姫野哲人 (2017),
スタンダード 統計学基礎,培風館
- 統計教育大学間連携ネットワーク(監修),美添泰人(編),竹村彰通(編),宿久洋(編),
美添泰人,足立浩平,鹿島久嗣,姫野哲人,大屋幸輔,鎌谷研吾,小林景 (2017),
- 日本統計学会(編),田中 豊,中西寛子,姫野哲人,酒折文武,山本義郎 (2015),
改訂版 日本統計学会公認 統計検定2級対応 統計学基礎,東京図書